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The Eight Limbs of Yoga



1. Yama (universal morals)

2. Niyama (personal observances)

3. Asana (postures)

4. Pranayama (breathing)

5. Pratyahara (senses withdrawal)

6. Dharana (concentration)

7. Dhyana (meditation)

8. Samadhi (unity with the Divine)



(personal observances)



1. Saucha (purity)

2. Santosa (contentment)

3. Tapas - burning goal (body, speech, mind)

4. Svadhyaya (study of self)

5. Isvara-Pranidhana (dedication to higher being)


Positive thinking



Harmony   Clarity   Abundance






Ignorance has no beginning,

but it does have an end.

There is beginning but no end

to knowledge.


The Lotus



The lotus symbolises non-attachment in some regions of Asia
owing to it's ability to soar over the muddy
waters and producing an immaculate flower


Pancha - Sahita Pranayama



This is one of the most important pranayama practices

for rejuvenation of the body organs.

This pranayama is to control the five elements associated

with the same five organs, i.e. lungs, liver, digestive organs,

organs of eliminationand the heart,

This pranayama is done over a 45-day period of time - giving attention

to each of the organs for a period of nine days each.


The Mantra OM



A mantra is a mystical or sacred sound whose vibrations create a powerful effect. It may be a word or a phrase which is repeated over and over again. Repetition may be out loud whispered, repeated internally or written down in a pattern.

The most widely used mantra is OM or AUM. It is said to be the word from which the universe is created, it is the universal mantra - the whole universe vibrates to the sound OM. It was heard by the great Rishis and Sages in the stillness of the Himalayas. OM is mentioned in all the ancient yoga text.
"I will give you the sacred word which expresses all the highest things, and all the highest actions and longings. That word is OM." Katha Upanishad.

OM, This eternal word is all: that was, what is and what shall be, and all what beyond is in eternity.

All is OM.
OM (AUM) contains three sounds, and conscious comprises four states:

The first state is waking live, corresponding to the sound A
The second state is the dream, corresponding to the sound U
The third state is deep sleep, corresponding to the sound M
The forth is the state of samadhi, the fully awakened state of pure consciousness in which our divinity, our unity with the whole of creation, and with the force behind creation is recognised. The state is represented by all three ayllables joined together in the one word AUM.    "Mandukya Upanished"
Chanting OM is one of the most powerful ways of relaxing mind and body. It is said that if we have any disease or imbalance in our bodies, we can bring ourselves back into balance by chanting OM.
Use it with respect.



(universal morals)



1. Ahimsa (non-violence)

2. Satya (truth)

3. Asteya (non-stealing)

4. Bramacharya (continence)

5. Aparigraha (non-coveting)


Pranayama - Fire Breath




Inhale to muladhara (antara kumbhaka)

Exhale to svadistana up to manipura


Inhale to collar bones, expand and fill chest

(antara kumbhaka)

Exhale ujjayi


Meditation - Stars



The blue sky says everything is here

The mountain says be still

The sun says fear nothing

The grains of sand say pay attention

The flowers say remember

The stars whisper you never die.


Bija Mantra



LUM (muladhara)

VUM (svadhistana)

RUM (manipura)

HUM (anahata)

YUM (vishudhi)

OM (ajna)

OM (sahasrara)


Mantra - Honouring the Breath



Om pranaya namaha

Om prana pranaya namaha

Om parna pranaya namo namaha

Om prana pranaya namo namo namaha (repeat)

Om prana pranaya namo namaha

Om prana pranaya namaha

Om pranaya namaha



The Four Wise Monkeys - Netsuke 13th C



Four wise monkeys as opposed to the conventional three

Introduced into Japan from China in 18th Century AD by Buddhist Monk of the Tendi Sect, and which are believed to be associated with the Blue Faced God Vajra

Originally there were four wise monkeys

       Mizaru (see no evil)

       Iwazaru (speak no evil)

       Kikazaru (hear no evil)

       Shizaru (know no evil)

By the 14th Century the fourth monkey is absent from most representations.

Reason: ambiguous at one level the refusal to see, hear and speak evil will afford spiritual protection at another level it lays the postulant open to change of moral disengagement of a "closing of the heart".

(Carving over 17th Century doorway of the Sacred Stable in Nikko, Japan).


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